Takeo Harada


Born in 1971 and studied public law at te Universito of Tokyo. Passed the exam for diplomatic service in 1992 and started his career in the Ministery of Foreign Affairs in 1993. Dispatched as attaché to Germany and studied at the Free University of Berlin (political philosophie and international studies) and the Eberhard  Karls University of  Tübingen (public law). Voluntarily retired from the MInistry of Foreign Affairs in 2005, after having served as section leader for North Korean Affairs and visited Pyongyang as a member of the Japanese official delegation in November, 2004. Founded the Institute for International Staretgy and Information Analysis, Inc. in 2007. Besides capacity as its CEO and Representatives, wrote various books on ficnancial capitalism, International strategy and human resource management both in Japanese and German, including “Jenseits des Unentscheidbaren. Sechs Kapitel zur Frage nach dem Wesen der Zeit und in der modernen and postmodernen Philosophie Japans “, Springer Verlag, 2002. Any inquries should be sent through the link of the official homepage of the IISIA

10 thoughts on “Takeo Harada

    1. Hi, Matthew. Thank you for your interest. Yesterday night (JST), I replied to you via eMail (Yahoo). Did you find it?? I’m looking forward to hearing from you through eMail. All the best, Takeo

  1. Hi Takeo-san,

    I have sent you an invitation on LinkedIn. Hope you accept it. I am a 63 year old German, 34 years Japan and 25 years in Yokohama. 沢山共通点があります。

    Bitte nehmen Sie meine Einladung an.

    Beste Grüße

    1. Thank you for your message, Hans. I just accepted your invitation no LinkedIn and sent you a request on FB. Shall we continue to communicate on FB? All the best, Takeo

  2. HIHOWRU? You are a genius! I wish to read your latest book… but I can only read English :(((

      1. Takeo. IF you only knew how I “feel” and wish to express my deepest sympathy in regards to you, your people and your mother country in regards to Fukushima. Although I’ve never have or will ever believe in nuclear power energy, as the inevitable is most likely to happen due to using my own precognition. Thank-you for your time and the kind response. Please take care!

  3. Hi Harada San. I am very interested in the info you provided us, I just added you on LinkedIn, please kindly add me. Thank you.

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